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Dear, Newcastle... Love, Sofia

Dear Sofia on January 23 rd , 2023, You have no idea how significant these next five months will be… I do not think enough words exist to describe how grateful I am that I took this chance. I can recall the day on which I submitted my study abroad application. When people asked me where I was going to study, I’d reply with “Well I don’t know if I am for sure going yet, but Newcastle, England!” The idea of committing to something so life-altering and out of character for me was petrifying. Even after finally committing, I was STILL unsure. Why leave the life I am so content and comfortable with? Do I really want to put myself through a major life change? Yet here I am, almost at the end of my program, and I do not regret a thing. I now understand that I had to do this to grow. The life I was living at Loyola, although enjoyable, confined me into a very compact, comfortable bubble. Study abroad was the opportunity I needed to finally pop it. At first, Newcastle did not appear to be anyth

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